我先講講我覺得公會做的很好的地方。我覺得這幾年公會一直在進步,特別是在組織學術活動上。我很感恩公會組織的各種高質量的學術活動。特別對一個還沒有開業的新人來說,我最怕的一件事就是跟這個行業脫節。公會的活動不但向會員開放,還向學生開放。這是很好的。帶給我們很好的學習機會,開闊眼界,激發思考,繼續學習。也讓我可以在沒有開業的情況下繼續學習了解中醫的發展。我仍記得,剛開始來公會的時候,那一次是在UCSF的護士樓參加翻譯。當時我去到講課的會議間,不知道要找誰報到,工作台在哪裡,工作內容是什麼,一切都是在匆匆忙忙中臨場發揮。仍記得不需翻譯的時候,坐到一邊去聽課,旁邊聽課的是誰也不知道,也沒有人給我打招呼,就覺得自己格格不入,不受歡迎。當時就想退出,但是學術會議內容實在太好了,是我在學校裡接觸不到的知識,我不想錯過學習的機會,所以即使感到寂寞,但是仍然堅持來參加公會的活動。這幾年陸陸續續參加了不少活動,也在幫助公會翻譯工作過程中慢慢對公會有更多的了解。說實在,我跟在座許多醫師不一樣。在座各位大多數是畢業於國內某個中醫院校,都在開業看診,很容易就可以找到共同話題。而我,一個對國內中醫行業一點了解都沒有,在美國這邊學的中醫,還沒有病人以及任何臨床體會,而且年紀比較輕,很小就移民到美國這裡,對國內很多情況都不了解。真的很難跟在座的醫師們找到共同話題。雖然我們都是中國人,但是我們就好像是生活在火星跟水星的人一樣,不知道我們可以聊的是什麼。即使我很想認識各位醫師,卻不知從何開始。但是很感恩,每次來參加活動,某個公會領導或者工作人員都主動跟我打招呼,我很多時候會驚訝他們會知道並且記得我。慢慢的我也認識一些醫師,終於沒有那麼可憐。特別今年還有一些醫師主動分享他們的臨床體會。我記得今年初David醫師主動打招呼,加微信,分享苗振老師的知識;剛剛過去不久的全美中醫藥學術會議間,William Jin醫師主動跟我分享他對糖尿病的見解,分享他建立的網站。這些都讓我覺得公會在變化,慢慢接受我了。所以我覺得公會有這樣接受一個完全不同背景會員的兼容性,真的做的很不錯。但是希望這個主動向新人打招呼的不單單是工作人員,希望在座各位老會員也嘗試向不認識的醫師打招呼,主動交流。否則,一些新來的會員可能覺得不受歡迎,就不會留在公會了。當然了,我永遠記得初來的不安,我會努力歡迎其他新成員,讓他們覺得這是一個家庭,我們可以一起學習,一起為中醫事業貢獻一分。希望參與這個主動認識其他醫師的成員越來越多,以後某一天我們會認識所有的會員,互相分享臨床經驗,生活點滴,支持彼此事業。
Good morning,
I am Alice. I have been a member at AACMA for three years. I started as a student member in 2015. Last year I graduated and got my license and this year is my first year joining the association as a regular member. Dr. Shen invited me to share about my opinions on the work of the association for this year and suggested to talk about the area we are doing well and area that we need to improve. I have never made speech like this. As a young person, my opinion may be very subjective. If I say something inappropriate, please forgive me.
First, I want to share about the things that the association is going very good at. From my observation, the association has made lots of progress in the past few years. First of all, they facilitated high quality continue education sections and international meetings. As a new acupuncturist who is not practicing the medicine, one of my biggest fear is to be outdated. The association classes are open to the students and acupuncturists who are not practicing, giving up an opportunity to learn unique subjects that’s different from school and be open minded.
I still remembered I first came to events as a student in 2015. It was not so well organized and no one addressed my presence. I felt lonely and left out. In the past few years, I started volunteering in translation. Every time I was greeted warmly by either a leader or volunteer, I felt welcomed and be thankful for all the kindness that has been shown to me.
Secondly the association gives opportunity to serve. As a new acupuncturist, my professional skills are very limited. The only contribution I can make is to translate for events. The association doesn’t look down upon me for my limited skills and gave me opportunity to translate and grow. This is great. In the process of translation, I observed that we got new electronic devices for the English speakers after receiving feedbacks from the past. I have heard many good comments about these new devices. They are clear, easy to use, and have good reception. Now the English speakers can sit anywhere they like and not limited to be closed to the translator like in the past. We should recognize this change and affirm that it’s great that the association listens to feedback and respond in a timely manner.
In addition, the WeChat online classes are helpful to young people like me who may not be able to attend events. I missed lots of classes this year due to travel plans. With WeChat classes, I am able to access it anywhere and anytime. Therefore, this is one of the great progress of the year.
In terms of area of improvement, I think the association can start some interested groups. We are a big association and it’s hard to find the right person to discuss subjects that we are interested. If we have interest groups like the Classics, Pain management, Oncology Care, or Politics, it would be easier to find the people with common interests and it will promote tighter bonding with other members.
In addition, I hope in the coming year, old members will initiate conversation with new faces. Greeting new members, sharing about their own experience in the association and the TCM field, and making friends with each other. I hope our association will become a big family where we all know each other, care for each other and support each other in growth.
Thank you!
Alice Liu