AACMA’s Contribution in Resuming Medi-Cal Payment to Acupuncture During 2015-2016
- The California Medi-Cal program serving low-income individuals started reimbursing acupuncture treatment in 1978. However, in 2009, suffered oppressive financial difficulties due to the recession, the state stopped the Medi-Cal payments for acupuncture.
- On January 31, 2015, the former Speaker of the State Assembly Toni G Atkins met with AACMA then-President Sam Xian Huang and Vice President Wei Wei who requested the Speaker to resume Medi-Cal payment for acupuncture. (Figure 1)
Figure 1. SingTao Daily 2/4/2015 News of Speaker Atkins Met with Sam and Wei
- AACMA then-President Sam Xian Huang and Vice President Wei Wei visited Chair of Assembly Budget Sub-Committee on Health and Human Services Tony Thurmond, the committee members Rob Bonta and David Chiu, Chair of Assembly Budget Committee Phil Ting, Chair of the Asia Pacific Committee of the State Assembly Das Williams, and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Fiona Ma, requested support for Medi-Cal to resume paying for acupuncture, and despite our great efforts, the 2015 budget bill eventually did not go our way. (Figures 2, 3, 4)
Figure 2. World Journal 5/9/2015 Report on AACMA’s Effort to Resume Medi-Cal’s Acupuncture Coverage
Figure 3. The China Press 5/9/2015 Report on AACMA’s Efforts to Resume the Medi-Cal’s Acupuncture Coverage
Figure 4. SingTao Daily 5/30/2015 Reported AACMA and Assembly Members’ Joint Efforts in the Campaign
- With AACMA’s continuous efforts, in 2016, the Chair of Assembly Budget Committee Phil Ting, the Chair of the Senate Budget Committee Mark Leno, and the vice chair of the Senate Budget Committee Jim Nielsen, who have good relationship with the acupuncture community have worked with AACMA in the campaign of restoring the Medi-Cal payments for acupuncture. Along the process, Phil Ting played a key role.
- AACMA mobilized 10 California acupuncture organizations from various ethnic groups to jointly write a letter to the governor, the Speakers of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and the Chairs of the Budget Committees of the Senate and the House, urging the restoration of Medi-Cal payments for acupuncture.
- In July 2016, the state budget bill AB833, signed by Governor Brown, restored Medi-Cal payments for acupuncture.(Figures 5,6,7,8)
Figure 5. World Journal 6/17/2016 Reported AACMA’s Acupuncture Day Campaign in Capitol Building
Figure 6. World Journal 7/2/2016, AACMA’s Press Conference on the Successful Resumption of Medi-Cal’s Acupuncture Coverage
Figure 7. SingTao Daily 7/1/2016 reported AACMA and Assembly Members’ Joint Efforts Had Led to the Successful Campaign
Figure 8. SingTao Daily 7/2/2016, Happy Elders’ Appreciation to Assembly Members on the Recovery of Acupuncture Benefit