Chinese Scalp Acupuncture for the treatment of Difficult Neurological Disorders
Time: Pacific time, Sunday 9am -11am (Please match your local time)
Site: online, zoom
Volunteer: Yuwen Cen, Tong Zhang, Wenzhou Zhong (Join before 8:30am)
Check in: 8:40-9:00am, must fill the English name and license number from your license
Lecturer: Dr. Jason Ji-shun Hao
Topic: Scalp Acupuncture on difficult and complicated neurological disorder (English teaching, approved 2 California CEUs, Category I)
Registration fee: AACMA member $15, non-member $30.
(1) Registration: closes on 6/2/2022, 5:30pm. PAYMENT CLICK HERE
(2) Must first download Zoom App on your device and get familiar with it. If you are unfamiliar, please pay attention to the notification email to join the pre-class training.
(3) Those who need CEU should enter Zoom on time and be online throughout the course. English name and number on your license are required when logging in. Screenshots of the participant list at both ends of the course will be archived.
(4) Members who have not paid this year’s membership fee of $200 (including political action donations of $80), please send a check as soon as possible, or pay on our website before registering for the seminar at the member’s discounted price.
Contact: the secretary of AACMA, Ms. Xin Li
Tel: 415-981-8384, Email:
Check payable to AACMA by mail: 777 Stockton St, Suite 105, San Francisco, CA 94108